All posts in Tank Water

Domestic Tank Water Purification with HydroSil ULTRA

Posted by / September 28, 2017 / Categories: Applications, Domestic Tanks, Tank Water / 0 Comments

Tank Water Use in Australia

Out of the 7.5 million1 or so households in Australia today more than 2.3 million2 (or 17%) use rainwater tanks – and the use of tank water is rapidly increasing.3

Australians have always known there are great benefits to capturing rainwater and collecting water from creeks especially in rural or remote areas, but we also know there are risks.

Tank Water | Benefits and Risks

From time to time we hear of outbreaks of Blastocyctis, Giardia & Cryptosporidium, as well as many other water borne parasites, bacteria, fungi and algae. What we often don’t hear about is the ongoing health problems of people in our community carrying parasites from drinking tank water, silently struggling, often without knowing the cause. There are also considerable risks from toxins produced by blue-green algae and agricultural chemicals.

For those collecting rainwater from rooftops, perhaps the biggest concerns are bacteria such as E.Coli and Campylobacter which can find it’s way into tanks from animal, bird or bat droppings.

Never Experience That Chlorine Taste Again

Hydrogen peroxide has long been known as the superior water treatment option, due to the fact that it effectively destroys pathogens without leaving any chemical residue, breaking down to harmless oxygen and water. However, due to issues around keeping it stable enough to transport and store without degrading it has also been financially out of reach… until now. For decades the standard recommended tank water treatment has instead been chlorine, despite the fact that people generally would prefer not to have it in their drinking water.

There is conflicting evidence on the safety of chlorine consumption on the human body however it is often seen as an acceptable compromise when compared to water borne pathogens. For example, the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines4 state that there are no adverse health effects from Chlorine, while there is also research such as the studies mentioned in the following Scientific American5 article suggesting otherwise.

“The link between chlorine and bladder and rectal cancers has long been known, but only recently have researchers found a link between common chlorine disinfectant and breast cancer, which affects one out of every eight American women. A recent study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut found that women with breast cancer have 50-60 percent higher levels of organochlorines (chlorine by-products) in their breast tissue than cancer-free women.” – Scientific American

Finally, An Affordable Alternative to Chlorine that is Completely Harmless to Humans.

The Natural Enviro Co. has been providing HydroSil (previously sold as HydraSil) to happy customers for almost two decades, however over the past two years we have developed an updated formula making HydroSil more effective than ever before. For the first time, Australians now have access to all of the benefits of hydrogen peroxide at a price that is as economical as chlorine – without any of the drawbacks.

To find out more about HydroSil ULTRA 7.5% Silver-Stabilised Hydrogen Peroxide click here.

1. Australian Institue of Family Studies | Households in Australia

2. Australian Bureau of Statistics | Environmental Issues: Water use and Conservation, Mar 2013

3. Australian Bureau of Statistics | Environmental Issues: Water use and Conservation, Mar 2010

4. National Health & Medical Research Centre | Austraian Drinking Water Guidelines

5. Scientific American | Are Chlorine’s Beneficial Effects in Drinking Water Offset by Its Links to Cancer?

Tank Water Treatment Instructions

Posted by / September 28, 2017 / Categories: Domestic Tanks, Tank Water / 0 Comments

Step 1: Calculate Total Tank Volume

Many tanks (other than most concrete tanks) have a marking to show the total volume of the tank. If you know the volume of your rainwater tank go to Step 2.

  • Using a measuring tape and a ladder, measure the height and the radius of the tank.
  • Enter these numbers into the volume calculator to find out the total volume of your tank in cubic metres.
  • Multiply the result by 1000 to find the total number of litres your tank holds.

Step 2: How Much Water Is In My Tank?

You may be able to tap on the side of the tank and listen for a significant change in sound between the empty section and the full section to determine where the line is, which you can then measure from the bottom of the tank. If you are unable to accurately tell using the tapping method try the following:

  • Use a long piece of dowel or something similar to dip into the tank end drop one end all the way to the bottom. Try to do this carefully so that the stick remains perpendicular to the bottom of the tank for an accurate reading.
  • Measure the length of the section of the stick which is now wet.
  • You can then divide the total volume by how much water you actually have in your tank.

Alternatively, you can simply enter the height of the water level instead of the height of the tank in the volume calculator along with the radius.

  • Remember to convert the figure obtained from the volume calculator from Cubic Meters to Litres multiply this figure by 1000.

Step 4: HydroSil ULTRA Dosing Instructions

We recommend using rubber gloves and safety glasses while handling HydroSil ULTRA.
The amount of HydroSil ULTRA required depends on how soiled the water is. Below are two suggestions for Initial Dose. Depending on how soiled your water is you may choose an amount somewhere in between.

Initial Dose – For Water Without Noticeable Odour or Visible Contamination
(24hrs contact time required before drinking)
200ml per 1000L of water
1L per 5,000L of water
2L per 10,000L of water
4L per 20,000L of water

Initial Dose – For Badly Spoiled Water (Shock Dose)
(24hrs contact time required before drinking)
300ml per 1000L of water
1.5L per 5,000L of water
3L per 10,000L of water
6L per 20,000L of water

Monthly Maintenance Dose
(Water can be drunk immediately)
70ml per 1000L of water
350ml per 5,000L of water
700ml per 10,000L of water
1.4L per 20,000L of water